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Writer's pictureJosephus B. Cayabyab

Milestone: Different Seasons, One Happiness of EPICurean Fair

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

(Developing stories...)

EPICurean Fair is a semi-annual event organized and spearheaded through the initiative of Mr. Joseophus B. Cayabyab (Josh), one of the college instructors in Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU), College of Hospitality and Institutional Management (CHIM).

Picture of some of the merchandise and or marketing materials used in the different seasons of EPICurean Fair

The idea started in August 2014 when a group of friends went to their 1st international bonding escapades in Malaysia and Singapore. While in Singapore, wandering the superstructure of Manila Bay Sands, Kristine Sabordo, one of the faculty members of OLFU, CHIM, and Josh came to realize of connecting the idea to their respective courses and parade their skills at the end of the course.

In 2019, the EPICurean Fair "Creating W.O.R.L.D." was launched. That season, the EPICurean Fair committee has set hands to realize the theme: Creating W.O.R.L.D. which means:


The Hospitality Management Department (HMD) under the supervision of the College of Hospitality and Institutional Management (CHIM) holds EPICurean Fair 2019 at the university quadrangle last February 29 to March 02, 2019. The said event was also made possible through the joint force of HRM Society, the college-based club, and the Office of the Supervised Work Experience Program (SWEP), the office responsible for practicum.

The event aims to showcase the student’s skills and creativity through this kind of culminating activity which usually happens at the end part of the course. The students have the chance to win friends through friendly competitions and create an ethical environment through sportsmanship, mock business operations, following standards, procedures and house rules, and application of the university’s core values.

The three rings in the logo represent three courses that participated in EPICurean Fair 2019 namely Cost Control, Bar Management, and Entrepreneurship.

The EPICurean Fair 2019 logo was inspired by three rings representing its respective course namely Cost Control, Bar Management, and Entrepreneurship.

The Red Ring represents the Cost Control Course headed by Ms. Kristine F. Sabordo

The “Red Ring” is for the Cost Control course. Budget distribution, food costing, interpretation of cashflows, and understanding the importance of business in essence are the concentration of this subject.

The Green Ring represents the Bar Management Course headed by Mr. Josephus B. Cayabyab and Shiela T. Garrido

The “Green Ring” is synonyms to Bar Management Course for this EPICurean Fair season. The course focuses on establishing restaurants and basic knowledge in preparation of different beverages such as non-alcoholic drinks, coffee, and tea. The said course is a sequel to the Bartending course that deals primarily with technical knowledge in alcoholic drinks, its preparation, and some aspects written in TESDA Training Regulations.

The Blue Ring represents the Entrepreneurship Course headed by Ms. Maria Paz Castro

The “Blue Ring” means Entrepreneurship

The event was spearheaded by the EPICurean 2019 Chairman Ms. Rachel Subando, and heads of different committee namely:

Mr. Josephus B. Cayabyab holds Committee on Certificate and Awards, Committee on Seminar and Program, Committee on Rules and Procedures.

Ms. Kristine F. Sabordo was in-charge in Committee of Finance and Budget, and the official tabulator for the event.

Ms. Maria Paz Castro was the Head Researcher of the event.

Ms. Shiela T. Garrido co-headed a series of seminars, she also headed the Marketing Committee. Other faculty members of CHIM-HMD who took part in the success of the event are Ms. Emily Villaverde-Banzel and Ms. Nepomuceno.

This article entitled: "EPICurean Fair 2019: Creating W.O.R.L.D." was originally published at


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